As we begin a new year, we’re taking time to reflect on our habits, setting intentions, and creating goals for ourselves to better our lives. Here are 10 tips to start your day in a positive way!

1. Set yourself up for success by getting a good night’s sleep! Create a bedtime routine to ensure a restful sleep. We suggest turning off phone notifications an hour or more before bedtime and limiting screen use.

2. Spend the first 10 minutes of your day in bed. If you’re able, allow yourself a few minutes to wake up slowly and think about goals for the day instead of springing right up and at ‘em.

3. Do you have a favorite mug? Brighten your morning with a fun mug that’s the perfect size for the amount of coffee or tea for you and fits comfortably in your hand. It might sound silly, but it makes a difference!

Woman on couch reading book with coffee

4. Take a breath and make a plan. Take 5-10 minutes at the start of your day to determine what it will look like. Making a plan helps set intentions and will leave you feeling accomplished and focused instead of overwhelmed and lost.

5. Eat a great breakfast. Chances are, you’ve heard this one before. Start your day with a boost to both your energy and brainpower by making healthy breakfast choices.

6. Start your day by opening your blinds, sunlight is one of the best ways to naturally wake up!

Two people sitting at table with coffee cups and bag of Costa Rica Micro Mill

7. Do a short exercise session. Spend 10 minutes doing something physical if you are able, even if it’s just taking a short walk around the block.

8. Do the most important task of the day first. It feels great to get the most important task or tasks out of the way, and the rest of the day will suddenly feel lighter.

Woman smiling holding breakfast sandwich

9. Listen to something positive. If you like to listen to something while you shower or get ready, try music or a podcast with an upbeat tone. Think about something you listen to that puts you in a good mood and start your day with that.

10. Capture your day. Try using the “Second A Day App” to capture one second a day each day, starting with a month, and then a year. It’s helpful to look back at what was important or special to you at each moment in time and can help you focus on the things that are most important to you, overall.

Happy New Year!